Not sure what to visit in Vilnius? We recommend visiting the most interesting places in Vilnius.
1. Gediminas castle tower.
The once political center of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, the Gediminas Mound, not only marks the beginning of the first human settlements in this territory, the crusades to Lithuania, but also the very important events that took place not long ago - marks the beginning of the Baltic Way in Lithuania; here for the first time in 1919. January 1st Lithuanian tricolor flattened. The Castle Museum was opened in 1960 and has been open since 1968. it became a subdivision of the Lithuanian National Museum. The exposition of Gediminas Castle introduces the 14th century. 2nd half and 17th century. Reconstruction models, armament and iconographic material of Vilnius from the beginning of the 19th century. At the top of the tower is a viewing platform, which offers a magnificent panorama of Vilnius.
2. Arch Cathedral Basilica
Vilnius St. of Bishop Stanislaus and St. The Basilica of Vladislav's Arch Cathedral or simply Vilnius Cathedral is located in the Old Town of Vilnius, in the territory of castles. Archdiocese and Dean's Center. In the church there is St. Casimir Chapel. A belfry tower 57 meters high stands next to the cathedral.
Cathedral Basilica
The Basilica of St. Stanislaus and St. Wladyslaw's Arch Cathedral is the most important Catholic shrine in the whole country, the site of great Christian, national and state celebrations. The status of the Basilica was granted to the Arch Cathedral in 1922. "Basil" means "royal". This is the highest category of churches that the Roman Pope gives only to special churches.
Cathedral Basilica 3. The Gates of Dawn
One of the symbols of Vilnius is the Gates of Dawn, first mentioned in 1514.
Today, the Gates of Dawn associate most people with a house of prayer. However, a few centuries ago, after hearing the name of the Gates of Dawn, the residents of Vilnius would first have thought about the defensive wall of the city. The thing is that the defensive wall of Vilnius had ten gates, and the Gates of Dawn were the only ones remaining from those ten. The defensive function of the structure is reminded by the firing holes, which are still visible on the outside of the gate.
Gates of Dawn The miraculous painting of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of Mercy in the Gate of Dawn is one of the most famous Renaissance paintings in Lithuania. It is also called the Madonna of the Gates of Dawn or the Madonna of Vilnius. It was painted specifically for this chapel in the 17th century, following the example of the Dutch painter Martin de Vos. Both Catholics, Orthodox and Unites worshiped and regarded the painting as miraculous.
Picture of the Blessed Virgin Mary 4. Užupis
Užupis is sometimes compared to the Montmartre district of Paris or Christiania Copenhagen. Užupis is the artists' republic. Užupis has its own anthem, constitution, president, bishop, two churches, one of the oldest Bernardine cemeteries in Vilnius, seven bridges and a patron - the bronze angel of Užupis.
Užupis 5. The Palace of the Rulers
In this historical place in the 4th-8th centuries. was a wooden settlement in the 13th century. II p. part of the settlement turned into a brick castle. 14th century I p. it became the most important building wall in the large area of Vilnius Lower Castle. From the first days of the Gediminas, almost all Lithuanian rulers lived here. They repeatedly expanded the masonry castle. end began its fundamental reconstruction. Originally having Gothic features, in the 16th century. the representative residence of the Grand Dukes of Lithuania became a magnificent Renaissance palace. 17th century I p. they also acquired early Baroque features. Vilnius was one of the largest centers in Central and Eastern Europe at that time. 17th century avg The palace was devastated by the Moscow army. end - 19th century. pr. and completely collapsed.
Gediminas Monument, Palace of the Rulers and Gediminas Castle TowerTICKET PRICES TO THE GOVERNOR'S HOUSE FOR ADULTS
Total price (routes I-IV) - 7,00 €
Total price (I-III routes, no exhibition) - 6,00 €
Route I - € 3.00
Route II - € 4.00
Route III - € 2.00
Route IV (Exhibition) - € 2.00
Up to 50% off each additional route when choosing more than 1 route
On the last Sunday of each month, exhibitions in the Museum of the Palace of the Grand Dukes can be visited free of charge (charges apply).
Guided tours can be booked at the museum, prices for guide services:
In Lithuanian 15-25 €, + visitor tickets
Foreign language - 25 € + visitor tickets
6. St. Ann Church
St. Anna's Church is one of the most beautiful and probably the most famous buildings in Vilnius. It is a late Gothic masterpiece. It is surrounded by many legends. Most famous of them is that Napoleon saw the Holy See. Anne wanted to take her church to Paris with her palm. It is a pity, but the reality is not so romantic: during the Napoleonic march through Lithuania the church was handed over to the French cavalry. However, Napoleon mentioned in his letter to his wife that "Vilnius is a very beautiful city".
7. Vilnius Television Tower.
The Vilnius TV Tower is probably familiar to everyone and may have been visited more than once. But did you have to climb to the top, on the roof? As the weather improves, the TV Tower begins memorable excursions to visit unseen places in the building and to admire the magnificent panorama of Vilnius.
Tickets to Vilnius Television Tower:
8. Gediminas Avenue.
19th century With the construction of the St. Petersburg-Warsaw railway in the mid-19th century, Vilnius began to develop more rapidly. New industrial, commercial and residential quarters grew near the old town. A new central city street, Georgian Avenue, was built. As the authorities changed, the names of the prospectus changed. Later it was called A.Mickiewicz, Stalin, Lenin. became Gediminas Avenue. The prospectus was built in the 19th-20th centuries. buildings that are now home to government and public offices, retail and catering businesses. Gediminas Avenue connects the historic city center - the Cathedral Square with the Seimas Palace.
Gediminas Avenue
9. Vingis Park
Vilnius Vingis Park is a place where Vilnius residents and guests of the city have the opportunity not only to walk in nature, but also to ride bikes, roller skates or scooters. Vingis Park is home to a large number of bird species, and the most interesting of the inhabitants - domestic owl.
10. Sakurai Park
If you are visiting Vilnius in the spring, visit the sakura park on the Neris embankment in the center of Vilnius near the White Bridge. It begins to attract visitors at the end of April, when plants of rare beauty bloom. On October 2, 2001, 200 Japanese sakura alleys were planted to commemorate the 100th birth anniversary of Chihuahua Sugihara.
Sakurai Park