Montenegro. What to visit in Montenegro

Located on the Balkan Peninsula, Montenegro is a pearl undiscovered by many.

  Located on the Balkan Peninsula, Montenegro is a pearl undiscovered by many. This tiny Mediterranean, only in 2006. With its independence from Serbia, it has something to offer every traveler. By the way, Montenegro adopted the euro much earlier than Lithuania. During the civil war, Montenegro did not obey Serbian instructions. And Serbia has imposed sanctions on the disobedient Montenegro. Serbia hoped this would break the unruly country. In Montenegro, prices shot up sharply and barely disrupted a young state, but Germany intervened and allowed the use of German marks in Montenegro. With Germany's automatic introduction of the euro, Montenegro became the official currency.

  What to visit in Montenegro. 

  Tara River Canyon.
  The Tara River is the largest in Montenegro. The River Tara, through erosion processes, has formed an impressive canyon with a length of over 80 km and a depth of up to 1300 m. Rafting on the River Tara is organized by rafts. It is the deepest gorge in Europe and the second largest in the world, after the Colorado River Gorge in the US.

Taros upės kanjonasTara River CanyonAbove Tara Canyon runs a concrete arched Durdurdevich Tara Bridge and Tara Canyon is in Durmitor National Park. The road stretches 150 m above the Tara River. When the bridge was built, it was the highest car bridge in Europe at the time.

 Džiurdževiča Taros tiltasDzhurdzhevich Tara BridgeMonastery of Ostrog
The Ostrog Monastery was built at a height of 900 m on the cliffs in the 17th century. and became an important Orthodox spiritual center. The monastery was founded by the famous doctor Vasily, who was declared a saint. It is believed that St. The remains of Vasily, preserved in the monastery, have healing powers. As a result, pilgrims flock to the monastery. The monastery is surrounded by healing springs. The Ostrog Monastery is located about 15 km from Nikšíča, Montenegro's second largest city.

Ostrogo vienuolynasMonastery of Ostrog   This monastery is the only one in the world visited by non-Orthodox Catholics and Muslims. It doesn't matter who you are - what you come here for is important. Next to the monastery is a fountain of holy water, which is bottled and distributed free of charge to pilgrims.

Ostrogo vienuolynasMonastery of Ostrog

Hi Stephen

Sveti Stefan is a resort town in Montenegro on the Adriatic coast. Located on a small island that turns into a peninsula at low tide. Now the spit connecting the land and the island is no longer flooded.

Sveti StefanasHi Stephen  Since the 15th century to the 20th century Sveti Stefan was a fishing village. And only in the 20th century. In the middle of the 19th century, fishermen were evicted and the island turned into a luxury resort. While the traditional architecture is preserved, luxury apartments are located inside the buildings.

Sveti StefanasHi StephenUlcinis
Ulcinski - once one of the main pirate centers of the Adriatic Sea. Ulcin was founded by the Greeks about 5 BC. Kr. However, in the 16th century. By the end of the Turks' arrival at the end of the 19th century, pirates who had been attacking ships sailing at sea had come into existence for several hundred years. The Old Town of Ulcinsko, located in the picturesque Cape, is very beautiful, with many oriental buildings, preserved palaces, mosques, and still an oriental market. This city is the center of the Montenegrin Albanian community.

Black Lake is located in the National Durmitoro in the park. 
The Black Lake is located at the foot of the Loki Peak and covers an area of 0.515 square km. The lake is made up of two smaller lakes: the Great Lake (Veliko jezero) and the Little Lake (Malo jezero). The lakes are joined by a narrow passage that dries out in summer, forming two separate bodies of water. Black Lake is fed by many mountain streams, the best known of which is Mlin Creek. Other streams have no names because they occur periodically when snow from Mount Durmitor melts. There are many scenic routes throughout Durmitor Park. Perhaps the most beautiful is the pedestrian route around the Black Lake.

uodasis ežeras esantis Nacionaliniame Durmitoro parkeBlack Lake is located in the National Durmitoro in the parkThere are many beaches in Montenegro dedicated to nudists. They are, in my opinion, one of the most beautiful beaches in Montenegro, which lies between the rocks.

Nudistų paplūdimys Juodkalnijoje.Nudist beach in Montenegro.Although all the beaches in Montenegro are quite beautiful, I would say so wild.

Pajūrys JuodkalnijojeCoastline in Montenegro

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