What's on a trip to visit in Eilat, Israel?

Eilat is a wonderful Red Sea resort located in Israel.

What's on a trip to visit in Eilat, Israel? It is now easy to reach this beautiful resort on the Red Sea. There is a low cost airline flying to Eilat. While Ryanair's planes descend on the desert, there was a bus once inside the former military airport and some 80 kilometers from the center of Eilat to downtown Eilat. Bus schedules are tailored to airplane flights so you won't have to wait too long. The bus ride takes about one hour and costs about 10 euros. I recommend to buy bus tickets while still online in Lithuania https://eilatshuttle.com/. A taxi ride will cost you around € 100. Also, when returning to Lithuania from Eilat to the airport, the bus departs about 3 hours before the flight. When returning to Lithuania, try not to be late, as the airport will have to go through very rigorous screening controls and answer various questions from border guards, such as what hotel you stayed in, how long you stayed in Israel, what was in your suitcase and the like. Because Eilat is close to the Egyptian border, most tourists come to Eilat leaving Israel and crossing the border to Egypt. Take a taxi in Egypt and stay at cheap Egyptian hotels on the Red Sea. And he returns to Lithuania via Eilat. Only in this case is the airport inspection even more careful.

So what to visit in Eilat, I would suggest starting with dolphin reef.  Dolphin Reef in Eilat these are dolphins living in the wild. This area is home to a group of thick-skinned dolphins who hunt, play, come to people or swim in the wide waters every day. Mostly come when they are fed. They are given fresh fish several times a day. Visitors are able to watch dolphins or even touch them from floating docks and observation points. It is also possible to swim or immerse them.

Delfinų rifas EilateDolphin Reef in Eilat    The Dolphin Reef, by the way, is a private beach and access to it is free. Children from 3 to 15 years cost NIS 48 (about 13 euros), adults 69 NIS (about 18 euros). Dolphin Reef Works: From sMonday - Thursday 09:00 - 17:00. Fridays and Saturdays and holidays from 9am to 4:30 pm.

Delfinų rifas EilateDolphin Reef, Eilat    If you want to pay extra for dolphin diving, I don't recommend it. It is very unlikely that dolphins will want to be with you. But maybe you will be lucky and you will experience unique impressions. 

Delfinų rifas, EilatasDolphin Reef, Eilat 

Marine Park and Underwater Observatory in Eilat.
Families with children are especially fond of this place - the park has many interactive games, animal feeds, a playground and a year-round sea park.
The Underwater Observatory will give you a closer look at the natural world. Set up near the Dolphin Reef, the observatory is for those interested in exploring the Red Sea kingdom. Here you can see the sharks that attract tourists from all over the world to date.

Marine Park and Underwater Observatory in EilatFor adults, NIS 149 (approx. € 40), children 123 NIS (approx. 35), you can also buy a cheaper ticket, but then you will not see much. If you want to save money, you can buy a ticket online, which will save you a few euros https://www.coralworld.co.il/en/tickets/

Check the price of your stay during your trip here:  https://www.booking.com/searchresults.en.html?city=-779626&aid=1858060&no_rooms=1&group_adults=1

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