Things to do in Latvia on a trip. Venice of Latvia - Kuldiga

Things to do in Latvia on a trip. Latvian Venice - Kuldiga (in Latvian - Kuldiga). Kuldiga is Venice of Latvia and the widest waterfall in Europe is waiting for you

  Things to do in Latvia on a trip. Latvian Venice - Kuldiga (in Latvian - Kuldiga). Kuldiga is the Venice of Latvia and the widest waterfall in Europe. Kuldiga is located on the bank of the Venta River, about 150 km from Riga. The historical center of the Old Town of Kuldiga in the Venta riverbed is included in the UNESCO national list. Nature in Kuldiga is not only one of the most picturesque, but also one of the warmest in Latvia. The widest waterfall in Europe is not a naturally occurring form of nature, but was created during the dredging of the Venta at the behest of Duke Jacob. And dredging was done by gunpowder blasting dolomite at the bottom of the river. During these works on the site of the present waterfall, the walls of the castle began to crack, so it was ordered to stop.
Kuldyga, plačiausias krioklys europojeKuldiga is the widest waterfall in Europe   It was decided to dig a shipping canal at the waterfall, but as with all things in Russia, the work was not completed. The canal was only dug much later.

Kuldygos kanalasThe Kuldiga Canal   Every fall and spring, a spectacular sight can be watched as spawning fish strike the threshold of the widest waterfall in Europe and jump over it.
  About 300 years ago, the Duke of Courland, Jacob, invented baskets on the doorstep to catch goblins and salmon, which spawn upstream to spawn a waterfall. Kuldiga was once called a city for catching salmon in the air because of the fishing equipment invented by Duke Jacob. Even today, people through fish spawning people are trying to catch fish with a basket.

 Kuldiga is a former prosperous city of the Hanseatic League. It still has a cozy old town, though the 13th-century castle that once stood in Kuldiga has not survived, and instead the castle is now home to a city park. Kuldiga is considered the most beautiful town in Latvia. So we hear our horse on the way ...

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