Trip to the High Tatras in Slovakia

So we load our suitcases, hear our horse and drive to the High Tatras in Slovakia. Tips for traveling to the High Tatras in Slovakia.

  So we load our suitcases, hear our horse and ride to High Tatras in Slovakia. High Tatras, Slovak "Vysoké Tatry" is the highest part of the Tatra Mountains, belonging to Slovakia and Poland. In the east, the mountains pass to the Beliansky Tatras, in the west to the Zapadne Tatras. It is the most famous part of the Tatra Mountains and the most popular among Lithuanian tourists.
 1949 The High Tatras have become the oldest and currently largest Tatra National Park in Slovakia, which preserves the mountain landscape, mountains, waterfalls, streams, lakes, fauna and flora.

Aukštieji Tatrai „Vysoké Tatry“ Vysoké Tatry High Tatras

  If you are going to drive your car to the High Tatras you will need to pass all of Poland, but now it is not as scary as it was five years ago, now the roads in Poland are good enough, some parts of Poland are passing new freeways. I will not write about Poland anymore, just mention that if you are in no hurry I recommend to go to Zakopane, Velicka Salt Mines and visit perhaps the most beautiful city in Poland, Krakow, or visit it back to Lithuania. Although the roads are good in Poland, don't be lazy to get back as early as possible. Travel in case of unforeseen events You will reach the High Tatras in about 12-13 hours. Of course, it depends on the number of stops you eat and how long you have lunch. Fuel prices in Poland are very similar to those in Lithuania, if you travel in a gas-powered car, there are a lot of gas collectors.

  So you have come to the High Tatras and if you have not booked accommodation before, you will do it without problems on the spot, but you will certainly not find the best places. We lived in a hotel in the mountains, obviously it's hard to call it a hotel, locals call it chat. All our seats are booked one month ahead at our hotel. Definitely recommend it Mountain Hotel Bilíkova Chata . Just know that you will not be able to get there with the car, you will have to leave the car at the bottom and reach the hotel on foot, but since you are in a suitcase you can take the funicular which costs about 12 euros each way. If you only buy up, then only down will pay more. Buying both sides is significantly cheaper. You will also have to pay for parking, the day costs € 6. But if you stay like 2 nights you will have to pay for parking for three days, because you get three days. On the other hand, as you climb the mountains, you will no longer have to travel a kilometer on a dull road with no scenery, only boring creeks. This hotel features a café with outdoor terraces, and you can admire the mountain panorama as you dine. The prices in the cafe do not get bitter, the most expensive dish is ribs costing 12 euros, a really big portion, half a kilogram. Beer costs about 2 euros. Only if you are a smoker you need to get your cigarettes upfront, you won't find any cigarettes in the mountains.

  So you've come and stayed in a hotel, what's next. I recommend two tracks. If you are staying near Stry Smakovec, it recommends the Green Route. On this trail you will see beautiful mountain waterfalls. The route to the waterfalls is very easy and safe, of course some physical preparation is required.

  Once you reach the mountain cabin where you can buy warm tea (costs 1 euro). There you will be greeted by a family of foxes, so if you have food on the table, do not let go of the food, because the most delicious bite will be ridden by the fox.

Aukštieji tatraiHigh Tatras, the baby has come to check out what delicious we have 

So we snack in the mountain cabin, drink warm tea and travel further. I suggest continuing the red route for about 10 minutes, then returning to the green route and reaching Taryh Chat. Taryho Chata is at the height of 2012 meters. It is only here that you will need good physical preparation, and the mountain can be disastrous for both status and catch, but to calm you down, it is a hiking trail, not a mountaineering trail, so practically anyone can climb it. Along the way, there is still room to stay and eat leftovers, as there is a café on the top where you have a decent meal. I can say that I had never eaten such delicious drips in my life.

Aukštieji Tatrai, pietūs.High Tatras, south. Who's thinking it's a mission impossible you can watch a 1 minute movie when it looks like a mountain climb.

Finally we reach Taryho Chata, the food and drink leftovers are exhausted, but as I said in this one, as with many chats, one can eat. The prices are quite high, but I'll describe how this food reaches its peak, and you'll find that the prices are fabulously low, such as a huge plate of hot soup costs only 5 euros, because the cold and huge wind is a boon.

If anyone is wondering why thousands of people climb the mountains every day, I suggest you check out this footage of what we find when we get there.

If you are not an experienced mountain conqueror, I suggest you go down for a meal and rest. The route only gets worse and the air freezes. So if you do not have thermal clothing it is high time to go down.

When eating hot food, remember how it reached your table 🙂

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