Journey to Jerusalem. What to Visit in Jerusalem? Sightseeing in Jerusalem.
Places of Interest in Jerusalem: Jerusalem is one of the oldest cities in the world where Muslim, Christian and Jewish religions intertwine. Israel controls the entire city and has made Jerusalem its capital, but many states do not recognize it. As you know, Jerusalem's Old Town is divided into four sections: Jewish, Christian, Muslim and Armenian. No matter what religion is recognized, the history of the city for three thousand years fascinates every one who arrives. Jerusalem is full of interesting historical and archaeological sites, and there are many cultural, artistic, musical and theatrical events. Visitors can admire the attractive architecture and enjoy the rich city cuisine.
Hotels in Jerusalem. For every traveler, the real question would be where to stay. Jerusalem has many hotels and hostels. So everyone will find the right accommodation for him. You can check the prices here
We decided to stay in the heart of Jerusalem, the very old town. While searching the internet we found a reasonably priced hotel in the very center of the Old Town. So we waited for him and ordered. Only when we arrived in Jerusalem did we find out that in the old town car traffic is forbidden. So we left the rented car in the parking lot and took a taxi. The taxi ride lasted both two minutes, the taxi driver drove up to the old town wall and said that he would have to go on foot later. We took our suitcases on a journey to find our hotel. After an hour of wandering and frustrated with the navigation, the road had to ask local dealers. Turns out we were standing 10 meters from our hotel. It turns out we booked a hotel in the Muslim Quarter. And the entire Muslim Quarter is a huge bazaar. Upon entering the hotel, there was a shock and laughter pier. The hotel didn't even remember what we saw online. But because we had only decided to spend two nights in Jerusalem, we refused to look for another hotel and stayed in the Muslim Quarter. The second time I would certainly hesitate to do so, but I do not regret that we stayed at this hotel. These were unique experiences that remain in memory for a long time.
Our hotel in Jerusalem.
Hotel Benefits of Living in Jerusalem's Old Town. It is only when you leave the hotel that you find yourself in the Old Town, thousands of years old. No bus or taxi ride, everything is within walking distance.
Places of Interest in Jerusalem:
Church of Christ's Tomb. Christ's Tomb Church is located in the heart of the Christian Old Town Quarter. The Tomb Church of Christ is the most important place for Christians in Jerusalem - where Jesus was crucified, buried, and resurrected - and is constantly teeming with visitors. He says the Muslim family keeps the keys of the Church of Christ's Tomb (also known as the Resurrection) to this day - and steps to unlock the gate every morning, locking it again every night. Greek Orthodox, Armenian Orthodox and Roman Catholic settle matters within the church; smaller, but still influential, Syrian Orthodox, Coptic and Ethiopian Church. In common areas, prayers are held according to a specially designed schedule. This has been observed since 1852, when the Status Quo of the Holy Places of Jerusalem was signed. Free entrance to the church. It is advisable to visit in the afternoon when the flow of tourists decreases, the rhythm slows down and the noise is reduced.
Church of Christ's Tomb in JerusalemThe wall of moans
The Red Wall, also known as the Western Wall is part of the retaining wall of the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. About half of this border is 516 m. pr. The remnants of the Second Temple, built in me and destroyed by 70 mem. Romans. The rest is introduced after the 7th century. In the cracks in the wall, believers put letters to God asking for it because it is believed to be closest to God's ear. All letters are removed from the Red Wall twice a year and buried in the holiest place for the Jews, Mount Olive. At the Red Wall, women and men pray alone, men pray on the left, women pray on the right. No matter what religion you profess, anyone can put their own written desire in the space between the bricks. So did we.
The Red Wall, also known as the Western Wall Basilica of All Nations, Jerusalem
The Basilica of All Nations or the Basilica of Agony at the Garden of Gethsemane. The Church of All Nations has 12 domes and the walls are decorated with mosaics, blue stained glass windows create a dusk in the Basilica, which symbolizes the last earthy night of Jesus.
The Basilica of All Nations At the foot of Mount Olive 1924 the Basilica of All Nations was built at the expense of twelve states. Here, too, the gardens of Gethsemane, where Christ prayed last night, were captured and betrayed. The olive trees of those times are still growing here.
The Basilica of All Nations Gethsemane Garden.
The Basilica of the Nations was built next to the ancient Gethsemane Garden, very important for Christian pilgrims. According to Christian tradition, Jesus prayed here after the Last Supper and was soon arrested. Gethsemane Garden is adorned with infinitely old olive trees, some of which have their roots several thousand years ago.
Mount of Olives
Mount of Olives is situated in the east of Jerusalem, above the valley of Kedron. About 100 meters high, the hill offers stunning views of the Old Town, the Judean Mountains, and the Dead Sea. This place, which is respected by both Jews and Christians, is associated with the key moments of Jesus Christ's life, where he prophesied the destruction of Jerusalem, preached to his disciples, and Mount Olive is the place of his ascension.
Olive Hill and Old Cemetery
Temple Mount and Al Aksa Mosque
The Al-Asax Mosque is located on the Holy Mountain in Jerusalem, a place known to Muslims as the "Haram e Sharif". Al Aksa, along with the Dome of the Rock dome, is built on the site of what was once Solomon's most important temple in Judaism. According to many Muslims, it is the third most sacred place in Islam after Mecca and Medina. Climbing the Temple Mount requires a number of queues and passing a checkpoint. Like on a plane.
Al Aksa Mosque on Temple Mount
Church of Our Lady Tomb
The rock-buried Church of Our Lady is in the Kedron Valley at the foot of Mount Olive. Here is believed to be Mary's tomb, covered with a marble slab. Also in this church are the parents of Our Lady of Mary Joachim and Anna and Mary's husband Joseph.
Take a stroll around the Old City of Jerusalem.
Jerusalem's Old City - You just can't miss it, that's where one of the world's largest religions was born. Be sure to wander around this part of town. Explore all four quarters of Jerusalem. Visit the bazaar in the Muslim Quarter.
Bazaar in Jerusalem Although there are sometimes conflicts between Jews and Muslims in Jerusalem, I think it is safe for tourists there. The entire Old Town is controlled by Jewish army soldiers. Don't be surprised to see a glamorous jew, just a pistol strapped behind your shorts.
Jewish soldiers in Jerusalem Have a nice trip to the oldest city in the world.