Trip to Prometheus Cave in Sacramento, Georgia

Prometheus Cave in Sacarvela (Georgia), which has phantasmagoric derivatives of stalactites, stalagmites and their connecting stalaginates. So let's move on

Prometheus Cave in Sacarvela (Georgia), which has phantasmagoric derivatives of stalactites, stalagmites and their connecting stalaginates. So let's go to Sacarwell to see these creations of God. In the western part of Sakarvela (Georgia), near the town of Tshaltub, just 20 kilometers from the country's second-largest city, Kutaisi Cave is surrounded by the Prometheus Cave. What can be viewed today is only a small part of the Prometheus Cave Complex. The total length of the Prometheus Cave System is more than 15 kilometers. A 1060 meter long walkable path is open to visitors. The other part of the route (280 m) is covered by a boat on an underground river.

Sakarveloje (Gruzijoje) esantis Prometėjo urvasPrometheus Cave in Sacarvela, Georgia   The underworld, with its six large halls, is made even more impressive by the installation of various lights. Changing colors give the colony of minerals that have formed naturally over the millennia a sluggishness and playfulness. Singles or tourists coming into the cave are allowed in groups with English or Russian speaking guides only. Prometheus - The Kumisavi Cave one of the most beautiful caves, maybe not the most beautiful, but it is definitely one of the five most beautiful caves.

Ticket prices to Prometheus - Kumisavi Caves
Tickets for children under 6 are free
Ticket for ages 6-18 - 5.50 GEL
Adults 18 - 23 GEL
Boating in the caves - 17.25 GEL
Audio Guide - 7 GEL
Well, if you sometimes find the second half in Georgia, then the civil marriage ceremony is 100 GEL
Diving in a cave stream - 150 GEL
Shooting is free, but you cannot use the flash.
The exchange rate for the Larry in Georgia is approximately EUR 1 = 3GEL
You can enjoy year-round excursions
Opening hours: 10am - 7pm
Working days: Every day except Mondays
For the safety of visitors, boating is prohibited if water levels rise in the cave.

Prometėjo – Kumistavi urvusPrometheus - Kumisavi Cave in GeorgiaAccording to legend, the mythological Prometheus was punished and chained in these mountains. Prometheus is one of the titans in Greek mythology. Prometheus is one of the most famous titans. He stole fire from the gods and passed it on to mortals. Zeus was cruelly punished for this crime. Prometheus was strapped to the Caucasian rock by a metal band until it eventually struck the ground and formed Prometheus - Kumisavi Cave. While walking and searching for the place where Prometheus was nailed, I suddenly found him.

Prometėjo – Kumistavi urvasFossil Prometheus  If you are visiting Sacarvela, be sure to visit this legendary cave. If you do not have a rental car there are minibuses from Kutaisi to Prometheus Cave. Or you can hire a local who will take you home for a small fee and tell interesting stories all the way. Just negotiate the price before you get in the car.

Sakarveloje (Gruzijoje) esantis Prometėjo urvasPrometheus Cave in Sacarvela, Georgia

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