A trip to Ravenna, Ferrara and Gradar. A trip to Rimini Italy. What to see in Ravenna? What to see in Ferrera Tips for traveling to Italy.
If you stop traveling to The region of Emilia-Romagna, tai tikriausiai apsistosite lietuvių pamėgtame kurorte Rimini. Turismo agentūros šiam kurortui negaili gražių epitetų: – „Rimini - an enchanting Adriatic coast resort! Rimini is a pearl of the Adriatic Sea. ”In my opinion, it was not even close to the pearl. But that's just my opinion, maybe you find it different, so write your opinion in the comment.
Direct flights from Kaunas to Rimini - a great news for Lithuanian residents planning a warm vacation at the seaside. So if you haven't visited an Italian resort by the sea, head to Rimini, where the beaches of the Adriatic Sea await you, the ancient Italian architecture of Rimini and the local cuisine that won't leave you indifferent. Once in Rimini, you will be able to explore the entire Emilia-Romagna region.
One day outing to Ravenna and Ferrara.
Raven (Ravenna - it.) Is an unheard of Italian city in the Emilia-Romagna region. The port of Ravenna was already important as the Adriatic naval base of the Roman Empire. 402 yrs. Ravenna became the capital of the entire Western Roman Empire. Emperor Honorius and his sister Galla Placidia started a construction program and created the city as a mosaic art center that adorns the churches. It is not without reason that UNESCO, the treasurer of the treasure, protects as many as eight buildings in this city. It's a real treasure trove for art lovers. V-VIa. The mosaics created at the turn of the century are the only ones in Europe that survive from this period and still adorn the interior of buildings. One of the most famous cultural monuments is the Basilica of San Vitale, built in the 6th century, whose main altar is a spectacular green-gold mosaic depicting Christ the King. No less spectacular works of art adorn the Basilica of Sant Apollinare Nuovo, the Baptistery of Aryon, the Archdiocesan Museum, and the mausoleum of Galos Placidos, the daughter of the Roman emperor Theodosius I, a prominent beauty of the time. The latter mosaic is Ravena's business card and most of the souvenirs are decorated with it.
Basilica of Sant'Apollinare NuovoThe city of Ferrara In Emilia-Romagna. The old town of Ferrara is protected by UNESCO. The city flourished under the rule of a powerful tribe of duke d'Este. In Ferrara it is necessary to see the impressive canal castle surrounded by canals. The magnificent castle (Castello Estense) in the center of the city reflects the luxury, power and aesthetics of those times. The castle is surrounded by an artificial water channel and is accessed by lifting bridges. Today the castle is one of the main symbols of the city, as is the magnificent Cathedral of Ferrara (Cattedrale di San Giorgio), named after the patron saint of the city. In honor of George.
Bell Tower of the Cathedral of San Giorgio Martire
castello Estense. Ferrara is a city
Ferrara is a city in Emilia-Romagna
Fortress Estense. Ferrara is a city
If you go until the 13th century. The city cathedrals, built on medieval city streets, reach the Jewish Quarter, the heart of the city's commerce. Where many jewelry stores.
Jewish Quarter, in Ferrara.
Gradara is a town in the Marche region of central Italy. The ancient town has a double medieval border line and a massive castle, one of the best preserved in Italy. The construction of the castle was begun in the 12th century by Pietro and Ridolfo del Griffo. Later, Malatesta da Verucchio occupied the Griffin Tower, which became the scale of the present castle.
Gradara CastleGradara city for a long time directly ruled by the popes. It is the most visited monument in the region and is considered to be a symbol of the city built in the 12th century Gradara Castle- Fortress (Castello di Gradara), surrounded by two defensive walls. Located 142 meters above sea level, the castle is a prime example of medieval architecture - the castle and fortress ensemble is the best preserved medieval structure in Italy. Legend has it that this castle was home to the tragic love story of Paolo and Francesca, described in Dantes Alighier's Divine Comedy. The mountain offers wonderful panoramic views of the olive and grape fields, the Adriatic Sea and even the Carpathian Mountain. Here everyone will feel the melancholy spirit of the Middle Ages. Wonderful food and a glass of wine can be enjoyed in the town as the main occupation and hobby of the locals is winemaking.
Fortress of Gradara (Castello di Gradara)