Magical Flower Festival IN PAKRUOJO DVARAS

If you haven't decided where to go now, we suggest you visit Pakruojo DVARAS

Ką pamatyti Lietuvoje
What to see in Lithuania

1531 written sources mention the Pakruojis estate. The founder and first owner of the manor was M. Vakavičius, the first known owner of the manor - Martinavičius. Pakruojis manor was ruled by noblemen Zabiela, as well as J.Burba and Countess Munster. From 1780 to 1940. The manor was ruled by Baron von Ropa. It was the center of many surrounding estates - Akmenėliai, Naujadvaris, Šukioniai, Juknaičiai, Liberiškis, Maldžiūnai, Pajiešmenė, Žydmiškis and Kalevai. During the period of prosperity (18th-19th centuries) the manor owned about 30 thousand. ha of land and forests. About 1780, Wilhelm von der Ropp (German, Wilhelm von der Ropp, 1748-1824) married Countess Munsteraitė and received the manor of Pakruojis. Wilhelm and his son Theodor von der Ropp (1783-1852) designed and built the manor structures that have survived to this day. The first buildings were built in 1820, the others - until 1840.
The German-born manor manager Herman von Roop punished his peasants without mercy and was famous for his fierceness.
The penultimate owner of the manor was Leon Roop, who after his death in 1940 was inherited by his brother Bruno's son Julius Roop, known as Šeduvinis.
In 2004 the Government entrusted the management of the manor to Pakruojis district municipality. She is currently working on two projects - restoration of the central and northern parts of Pakruojis Manor (projects run by the Municipal Department of Local Economy and Construction). The EU has allocated 9.2 million for the first project and 10.2 million for the second.

Pakruojo dvaras
Pakruojis mansion

This summer, Pakruojis Manor blossomed magnificently with a marvelous, wedding-age festival inspired by William Shakespeare's play Midsummer Night's Dream! Here, among the thousands of multicolored summer flowers, their ornaments and carpets, mysterious flower sculptures of 2-6 meters in size will emerge and fairy-tale characters will be reborn. The entire 19th-century mansion will turn into one big flowered wedding scene for Shakespeare's play, and its guests and guests will become actors and actors alike.

Pakruojo dvaras
Pakruojis mansion

Ticket prices to visit Pakruojis Manor: Adults € 8 on weekdays and € 16 on weekends. Children and students € 6 on weekdays and € 12 on weekends

Adults € 8 on weekdays and € 16 on weekends.

Ticket prices to visit Pakruojis Manor: Adults € 8 on weekdays and € 16 on weekends. Children and students € 6 on weekdays and € 12 on weekends

Ką pamatyti Lietuvoje
What to see in Lithuania

Ką pamatyti Lietuvoje

Ką pamatyti Lietuvoje
What to see in Lithuania

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