Safari Park in Lithuania. Safaris in Anykščiai

Africa in Lithuania. If you can't go to Africa, Anykščiai Safari Park is a great alternative.

  Safari Park is a fenced 50 acre park of hills, woods and swamps. In Safari Park you will find over 150 animals - a herd of canines, black African ostriches grazing freely, highland hornbills and quiet llamas. We invite you to look at the animal world from near and without any stalls, as if they were in freedom. Sit in the SUV, experience a full safari tour, and be sure to bring incredible photos of your home.

Safari parkas LietuvojeSafari Park in Lithuania   Riding an off-road safari park will not only see the animals in the wild, but you will also be able to feed them. 

Safari parkas AnykščiuoseSafari Park in Anykščiai   While feeding animals beware of ostriches, they put their long heads in the car and can grab an unsecured phone or wallet. Safari takes about 30 minutes and costs € 7. Advance telephone registration is required for the safari +37066600114

  You can decide if you like Safari by watching a one minute movie.

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