What to visit in the vicinity of Druskininkai?

What to visit in the vicinity of Druskininkai?

What to visit in the vicinity of Druskininkai?

  The Hard Park

  The exposition is designed to give Lithuanian people, visiting guests and future generations the opportunity to see the naked Soviet ideology, which has been oppressing and injuring the spirit of our nation for many decades.

Gruto parkasThe Hard Park

  Grutas Park is a park in the village of Grutas, near Druskininkai, which houses the exposition of sculptures of Soviet-era characters created in the spirit of socialist realism. It opened in 2001. The park was established in the swamps of Dzūkija National Park. Lithuania in 1990 After the restoration of independence, most of the sculptures that had stood in significant places were relocated here. The two-kilometer-long exhibit sets out from 1989 to 1991. In 2006, 86 monuments from 46 cities and towns of Lithuania were dismantled by 46 authors.

Grūto parkasThe Hard Park

  Very popular events organized by tourist groups and collectives with "revived" Soviet characters and characters: Lenin, Stalin, pioneers, partisans, CC secretaries and others. Contact us and we will give you a special offer for your celebration.

Grūto parkasThe Hard ParkGrūto parkasThe Hard Park   Grutas Park is a lively documentary that tells how sophisticated military, political, ideological, artistic and other means were used to carry out Soviet politics, hide crimes, and exalt criminals.

Grūto parkasThe Hard Park  Tickets to Grutas Park: http://grutoparkas.lt/kainos/ 

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