Journey to Jordan. Petra, Wadi Rum and the Dead sea

Journey to Jordan. Things to do in Jordan - Petra, Wadi Rum and the Dead Sea

Journey to Jordan. Things to do in Jordan - Petra, Wadi Rum and the Dead Sea

Jordanija – išgirdus šios šalies pavadinimą pieš akis tikriausiai iškyla akmeninis Petros miestas – vienas iš septynių pasaulio stebuklų.  Tačiau Jordanija, tai ne tik akmeninis, mistinėje auroje paskendęs, Petros miestas. Tad nuo pradžių 😉

Tikriausiai Jūsų lėktuvas nusileis Amano Queen Alia tarptautiniame oro uoste (AMM). Oruo uostas yra įsikūręs 32 kilometrai nuo Amano. Oro uoste esančios automobilių nuomos bendrovės dirba ištisą parą, ko nepasakysi apie pačiame Omane esančias bendroves. Prieš nuomojantis automobilį rekomenduojame įsigyti pilną kasko draudimą, nes eismas Jordanijoje nenusakomas. Prieš priimdami automobilį jį iš visų pusių nufotografuokite ar nufilmuokite, kad gražinant automobilį nekiltų problemų del kokio nors įlenkimo.

1066/5000 What to Visit in Jordan? If you have little time, we recommend exploring at least three of Jordan's major landmarks, It's Petra, Wadi Rum and the Dead Sea, of course. If you can give Jordan a week or so, we start with the capital. By the way, if you plan to spend a week in Jordan, you might want to buy a Jordan Pass before traveling. You can purchase Jordan Pass online - . The Jordan Pass includes a visa (i.e., you get it on the wall, but you won't have to pay anything extra), entry to Peter and 40 other attractions throughout Jordan. There are three types of Jordan Pass, and its price depends on how many days you want to spend in Petra. We chose the cheapest option for 70 JD, which included a one-day visit to Petra. And an additional 8 JD for visiting the baptism of Jesus Christ. It is important to know that you can only use the Jordan Pass if you intend to spend at least three nights in Jordan.

Amanas yra Jordanijos Hašimitų Karalystės (Jordanija) sostinė. Žinios apie Rabbah Ammon miestą siekia nuo 1500 m. pr. m. e., kai jis buvo svarbiausias amonitų miestas. Amano centre dūzgia žmonės, sunku praeiti, kartais kvėpuoti, karšta – aplink vienas didelis turgus. Amano centre, slėnyje, viskas gerokai pigiaunei kituose šalies kampeliuose. Matyt, dėl to, kad būtent čia verda ne turistų, o jordaniečių gyvenimas. Pagrindinės lankytinos vietos Amane yra dvi: citadelė ir romėniškas amfiteatras, – į abi vietas galima nemokamai patekti turint Jordan Pass.

The Roman Theater is a building in the heart of the city of Amman, one of the largest amphitheaters in the Middle East, built by the great Roman emperor Pia, who ruled from 138 to 161 AD. This architectural monument is impressive in its size and can hold about 6,000 spectators. Concerts are still going on these days.

Amman Citadel is an ancient city on the hill of Jebel al-Qala'a ruins. In the Citadel you can see the Roman ruins of the Temple of Heracles, dating from the 5th to the 6th centuries. Byzantine Church, Umayyad Palace.

Because the citadel and the amphitheater are next to each other, we gave them a couple of hours and went to the baptism of Jesus Christ. Baptism of Jesus Christ - Christians are considered to be one of the most sacred places in the desert by the Jordan River, where Jesus Christ was given the sacrament of baptism. Christ is believed to have been baptized on the eastern bank of the Jordan (now Jordan), the place that was given the name Al Maghtas - "baptism." Somewhere in the New Testament, on the map of Madaba, in the Talmud, this place is also called Bethabara ("rush, passage"), because here the Israelis miraculously crossed the Jordan as it was overland. y. when his waters were divided.

Mount Nebo (Mount Nebo) is an 817-meter-high hill in Jordan, about 15 km from Madaba, offering a great panorama of the Jordan Valley and the city of Jericho. significance in Christianity and Judaism. According to the Old Testament, Moses climbed Mount Nebo to look at the Promised Land, said to be a prophet on the mountain and buried, but no tomb found. On Nebo Hill in the 4th century. Moses Basilica was built but it is almost extinct, and nowadays there is a new church where we can see only the mosaic remains of the floor of the old Moses Basilica. There is also a spectacular cross of copper snakes by Italian architect Giovanni Fantoni. Mount Nebo, a place with a special aura, is a must visit when visiting Jordan. 2000 Mount Nebo was visited by Pope John Paul II and planted an olive tree near the basilica. Pope Benedict XVI said a sermon on this mountain. Entrance fee 2 JOD.

Wadi Musa is the gateway to Peter, one of the new wonders of the world. Wadi Musa is a city located at the entrance to Peter. This is where travelers stay before heading to Peter. Check hotel prices here:

Petra is a celebrity in the kingdom of Jordan. It is included in the newly compiled list of the Seven Wonders of the World. Hidden between the mountains and the canyons, Petra is in the 6th century. pr.m.e. was founded by nomadic Arab peoples - Nabateans. It was then one of the centers of the world, with Peter passing trade routes between Egypt, the Mediterranean and China, India and the Arab world. Petra, also known as the Red Desert Rose, is a city in the Nabatean kingdom.

We recommend that you leave the hotel as early as possible and have drinking water, sunscreen and comfortable footwear. There is a free parking lot right next to Petra's gate, so when you leave the car we enter the city of unique impressions. All the beauty begins at the gate to Peter. From here we will always pass a narrow passage 3 to 12 meters wide.

PetraPetra. Vienuolynas (Monastery)   Vietiniai beduinai, kurie ištisus šimtmečius čia gyveno ir kuriuos Jordanijos valdžia prieš daugiau nei 30 metų iš Petros miesto išvarė į  gyvenvietes, greitai suprato, kad gali užsidirbti ne tik augindami ožkas, bet ir pardavinėdami suvenyrus į Petrą plūstantiems turistams. Tad suvenyrų čia tikrai netrūksta. Na, o nenorintiems vargti ir visą laiką vaikščioti pėsčiomis, beduinai siūlo turistus pavėžinti arklių traukiamais vežimais arba kelionės tikslą pasiekti sėdint ant mulo, asilo ar kupranugario. „Transportas” priklausys kurią vietą norite įveikti. Norint pasiekti aukštai kalnuose esantį vadinamąjį Vienuolyną (Monastery), teks pasikliauti savo kojomis arba mulo paslaugomis.

266/5000 Petra's most famous site is Al Kazne (Treasury), a well-preserved tomb overlooking the Sikh Gorge, a former river. The entire facade of the grave is carved from solid rock. The first floor is decorated with six columns. Inside the building, in the wall are buried niches.

Petra really needs a lot of strength, We went 24,000 steps a day, 18 kilometers. That is, if there is an opportunity to spend the night in Wadi Musa and travel the next morning to the Wadi Rum desert.

Petra. Vienuolynas (Monastery)Petra. Vienuolynas (Monastery)    

Vadi Rum or Valley of the Moon is a rocky desert in Jordan. The Vadi Rum area in Jordan is marked by rising rock formations, arches, gorges. The area is inhabited by white oryx and Bedouin tribes and has been certified as a cultural and natural world heritage site by Vadi Rum. The desert looks like a chameleon - rocks, mountains and sand change color from white to yellow, black, an incredible shimmer of red that looks like zenite at sunrise and dawn and sunset.

Vadi RumVadi Rum Vadi RumVadi Rum 

Wadi Rum The Desert is a movie industry favorite, filming here: The Martian, The Last Days on Mars, Prometheus, Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen, The Red Planet ( Red planet) and others.

Wadi Rum garsėja savo nuostabaus grožio saulėlydžiais, kurie priverčia pasijusti lyg mėnulyje. O pati populiariausia pramoga, tai nakvynė dykumoje esančiose palapinėse, jų yra pagal norus ir galimybes, nuo labai kuklių iki galėtinai prabangių. Vakare Jūsų lauks pramogos: beduinų šokiai, dainos, arbata ir vakarienė.  Kadangi palapinės yra dykumoje, kurias pasiekti geriausiai yra visureigiais tai prieš važiuojant į Wadi Rumą reikėtu susiskambinti su kemingo savininku, kad jis jus pasitiktu Wadi Rumo kaimelyje ir iki palapinių nuvežtu su visureigiu. Dažniausiai teikiamas kompleksas, Jeep safari po žymias Wadi Rum vietas (apie 5 valandos), saulėlydis dykumoje, vakarienė, nakvynė ir pusryčiai. Kaina maždaug 50 JD žmogui.

Gražių asmenukių mėgėjams tai nepakartojama vieta, bet viskas nėra taip paprasta. Norint gražaus „selfiuko” reikia ir pavargti 🙂

If you do not want to sleep in a tent, we recommend that you choose accommodation in Wadi Moss. In the morning you leave Wadi Mus and after an hour and a half you arrive at Wadi Mus. Ride your SUV through the desert, sunbathe and return to the hotel in the evening.

And for the end of the trip, we recommend the Dead Sea as a cherry on the cake. We stayed two nights in a hotel on the Dead Sea shore.

The Dead Sea or the Dead Sea (Salt Sea) is between the State of Israel and the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan. It is famous for being very salty. Although called a sea, morphologically it is a lake because it has no direct connection with the World Ocean. The Dead Sea is disappearing and will eventually disappear if the planned rescue projects are not completed. So hurry up to see and take a bath before it is gone.

The Dead Sea is 420 m below the World Ocean. The water in the recess is not filled because the water evaporates much more than it fills from the Jordan River. Sea level decline continues: the tracking process is explained by increased natural evaporation and industrial development in the southern Dead Sea, as well as the increasing use of Jordan River water for Israeli and Jordanian agriculture, industrial and domestic purposes.

The Dead Sea is so called because no one lives in it. Well, almost no one, only about 70 species bacteria, so there are only two life forms visible on the Dead Sea: bacteria and tourists.

Bathing in the Dead Sea is prohibited at sunrise.

Geriausios lauktuvės iš Jordanijos – alyvuogių aliejus ir muilas, Negyvosios jūros kosmetika, prieskoniai ir kardamonais skanintos maltos kavos. O jei nespėjote nupirkti tai oro uoste nupirkite vietinio likerio.

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