A trip to Sacramento (Georgia). What to visit in Sacarvela?

A trip to Sacramento (Georgia). What to visit in Sacarvela? A trip to Georgia (Sacramento) is the unforgettable peaks of the Caucasus Mountains, the beaches of the Black Sea.

  A trip to Sacramento (Georgia). What to visit in Sacarvela? A trip to Georgia (Zacartvela) is the unforgettable peaks of the Caucasus Mountains, Black Sea beaches and the unique drinks of Zacartvela. So where do you start your tour of this wonderful country? You first need to decide whether you are traveling alone or with a company of friends. If you are traveling with a company of friends, I recommend hiring a tour guide who will not only take you by minibus on the most beautiful routes, but also tell you about your country. What guide to choose? I recommend the charismatic Tengo Nakopia, his profile on facebook https://www.facebook.com/tengo.nakopia . By the way, if you do not understand Russian, this guide will not apply, he speaks Russian and a little Lithuanian, because he is married to a Lithuanian. But promised to necessarily learn English 🙂

Sakartvelas. Tradiciniai Gruziniški saldumynų ChurchekhelaiTengo Nakopia or just Tangyz at the traditional Georgian sweets Churchekhel

What to Visit in Sacramento? In my opinion it is necessary to visit Vardzia Monastery. Monastery of Vardzia probably the most mythical and legendary place in Georgia. It's a city-cloister carved in caves that looks like a giant swallow's nest from a distance. Although Christian rock dwellings have been found in the area since the 6th century, it is this settlement that can be seen today only began in the 11th century at the behest of Queen Tamara to protect the natives from external threats. The rock-fortified fortress was made up of over 6,000 rooms spread over thirteen floors. Also in 1186. was trimmed to St. Church of the Assumption of the Virgin, equipped with a water supply system. 1283 Vardzija was devastated by the earthquake. Although the enemy failed to occupy this city-convent, most of the rock was destroyed by the earthquake. Only in 1578. When the Ottoman occupied the land, the monks were forced to abandon the monastery.

Vardzijos vienuolynas SakartvelojeVardzia Monastery in Sacramento   Būnant Sakarveloje būtina aplankyti Gergeti vienuolyną vietinių vadinamą „vienuolynas tarp žemės ir dangaus”, beje vienolynas nors ir yra aukštai kalnuose jis yra veikiantis. Jame gyvena keli vienuoliai. Šalia vienuolyno yra ir cerkvė. Šis nuostabus derinys yra šalia Gergeti kaimelio, esančio už Stepantsmindos miestelio. Vienuolynas ir cerkvė yra 2170 m. aukštyje virš jūros lygio prie Kazbeko kalno, vienos aukščiausių ir vaizdingiausių Kaukazo viršukalnių. Tad vienu šūviu nušausite du zuikius, aplankysite vienuolyną „Tarp žemės ir dangaus” ir pamatysite nuostabų Kazbeko kalną. Mes naktį praleidome Gergeti kaimelyje ir tik tada supratau, kodėl jis vadinamas vienuolynu tarp žemės ir dangaus. Sutemus, kaip aplink nieko nesimato, aukštai kalnuose vienuoliai užsidega žvakes ir atrodo, kad vienuolynas tiesiog kabo ore tarp žemės ir dangaus.
Gergeti vienuolynas ir vienuoliaiGergeti monks tidy up the environment  You can reach the monastery on foot, take a full day or take the service of the locals, who take them off-road. The road is so bad that even for off-road vehicles it is a twist. As our driver mentioned, it repairs the chassis completely monthly and sometimes more frequently.

Vardzijos vienuolynasMonastery of Vardzia  Važiuojant Kaukazo serpantinais anot vietinių būtina naudoti „orą” arba „deguonį”, priklausomai nuo būklės, jei pykina tik truputį užtenka ir „oro”, o jei savijauta išties labai bloga, be „deguonies” neapseisite. „Oru” jie vadina vyną, o „Deguonimi” vadina Čačą. Čača yra vynuogių degtinė, verdama panašiai kaip lietuvška naminukė, tik ne iš rugių, o iš vynuogių. Kas keisčiausiai, kad ją virti yra legalu, praktiškai kiekviename kaime prie parduotuvės stovi Čačos virimo aparatas, kur gali paragauti  tiesiai iš aparato kapsinčių lašų, o jei patinka gali ir nusipirkti. Esant Tbilisio prabangiausiame restorane, išėjus į lauką parukyti, lauke taip pat stovi Čačos virimo aparatas ir pridėta stikliukų, kad neišblaivėtum kol rūkai gali prisilašinti į stikliuką ir už tai mokėti nereikia, nebent labai patinka ir nutari  nusipirkti visą butelį, tada už 5 eurus tau jį gražiai supakuos. 

  It is a must to visit and visit Sacramento Prometheus - Kumisavi cave , which will not leave both. According to legend, the mythological Prometheus was punished and chained in these mountains for stealing fire from the Gods and passing it on to the people. Full Article About Prometheus - Kumisavi cave read the link.

  Važiuodami užsukite į Gruzijoje esančius armėnų kaimus, kadangi kalnuose malkų yra labai mažai, o žiemos gana šaltos, vietiniai „malkas” gaminasi iš mėšlo. Specialiu aparatu mėšlas yra stipriai suspadžiamas ir padaromos formos, po to džiovinama saulėje.

Armenians are getting ready for winter    Sakartwell is a country of contrasts. In Sacramento you will also see beaches with black sand, which heal from different leagues, both plains and mountains with beautiful lakes.

Sakartvelo kalnaiSacramento MountainsSakartvelo kalnai ir ežerasSacramento Mountains and LakeSakartvelo pilisSacramento Castle   When visiting Sacarvelva, be sure to taste it Georgian chachapuri. This is a traditional Georgian dish, by the way, in each region of Sachartvela, the chachapuri is different, so if you are traveling across the whole of Sakartvela, be sure to taste the chachapuri in each region and decide which region bakes the most delicious chachapuri. Another great dish that I definitely recommend you to try is Sacartzele - Chinkal. These are traditional Georgian dumplings that are now spread throughout the Caucasus. Most often they are stuffed with beef or pork, occasionally mutton. Sometimes the meat stuffing is made from cheese, potatoes or mushrooms. It is customary to eat chinkals alone, without the sauces, and sprinkled with pepper. The shape of the chincals is special - the top is like a dough tail. Chinkalis should be eaten by hand by the tail and placed in the mouth to dig into the tail, to feel the broth spill in the mouth and leave the tail itself, not eaten by the locals. And of course Georgian sweets - Churchekhela. Churchekhela is a Georgian sweet that is often mixed with sausages by tourists. Long, uneven, colorful cords hang in almost every Georgian shop or market. They are made from nuts, dried fruit flour and grape juice without any sugar. The local churchekhel calls it Georgian Snikers. Churchekhelas are pictured in the first photo.

    Visos kelionės metu teko gyventi tiek viešbučiuose tiek privačiuose kambariuose. Ir kas mane labiausiai nustebino, kad pasakius jog atvykome iš Lietuvos pamatyti , kaip nušvinta sakartveliečių veidai. Gal, kad šalis nėra turtinga ir mūsų „buduliai” dar nesuteršė Lietuvos vardo. Gal tai kažkoks paslaptingas abipusis ryšys.  Tad smagios kelionės…

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