In and around Nazareth. What to Visit in Israel? Nazareth is of Israel Arabic the capital. Known in the world as Jesus' hometown, Nazareth attracts flocks pilgrims who come to see the place of Christ's childhood. Nazareth is the largest Arab city in Israel and an important destination for pilgrims and tourists. It used to be a Christian city, now a city where the majority are Arabs, about 70 percent, with only about 20 percent remaining. Nazareth is quite small, but the largest Arab-inhabited city in Israel, with only about 80,000 inhabitants. population. Most tourists come to Nazareth for half a day or a day - in fact, visiting the main places is both time consuming and sufficient. We were so impressed with Nazareth that we decided to stay overnight and leave early in the morning. We stayed at a family hotel in the heart of Nazareth, Nazareth Hostel Al Nabaa, for a double occupancy of 60 euros. Since the hotel is located in the very heart of the city, we were tired of finding the hotel access (didn't find the google maps path). And getting a car into a hotel car park is a real challenge. We were parked by the hostess herself, 🙂. If you live in small family-run hotels, be sure to order breakfast, although breakfast costs € 10, but you won't be disappointed. At least I'm surprised how much delicious things can be made without using meat. If you plan to stay in a hotel you can use the link , it will give you and me a discount.
So what to see in Nazareth? Most of Nazareth's routes begin in the Old Town, which has many churches, monasteries and mosques. Nazareth reveals a harmonious blend of Muslim, Jewish, and Christian cultures as manifested in vibrant shops. Be sure to taste the Arab-influenced cuisine of Nazareth. The most visited place in Nazareth is the Basilica of the Annunciation. „Marijos Apreiškimo bazilika“ viena garsiausių Biblijos scenų, kai angelas Gabrielius nusileidžia iš dangaus, kad informuotų Mergelę Mariją apie jos nėštumą. Angelas pasakė Marijai- „Pagimdysi sūnų, kurį pavadinsi Jėzumi”. Vaikas jos įsčiose, be abejo, buvo Jėzus. Sakoma, kad Marijos Apreiškimo bazilika yra tiksliai toje vietoje, kur Marija gavo žinią iš Dievo, todėl ji yra nepaprastai svarbi krikščionims. Po bazilika yra Šventoji grota – Marijos namelis.
Basilica of the Annunciation Even if you are not a Christian, you will have the opportunity to explore the impressive and unusual architecture of the Basilica, carefully designed by Giovanni Muzio.
Basilica of the Annunciation
Basilica of the Annunciation Travel agencies and local tourist brochures offer many more monasteries, churches and other holy sites, but if you are not a theology fanatic, I think holy places will suffice. Better go to the old town where the whole old town smells of coffee and cardamom. Find a sweets café owned by the fifth generation. And after ordering coffee with sweets, enjoy your holiday. By the way, if you don't like cardamom, you're out of luck. In Nazareth, all coffee is flavored with cardamom, so the old town smells of coffee and cardamom.
If you are visiting Israel it would be a sin not to visit this wonderful city. Nazareth is one of the must-visit towns, at least once in your life, no matter what your purpose: to get to religious places, just to wander through the confusing streets of this town, or to enjoy the fine Arabic cuisine famous for this town. The people of Nazareth are very tourist friendly and will always greet you with a smile. Have a nice trip…